An Introduction to Seibukan

Seibukan Jujutsu is an effective and practical martial art developed for self protection as well as personal development. While based on ancient Japanese traditional roots, Seibukan Jujutsu has been developed to meet the needs of the modern day warrior. Seibukan combines personal protection techniques from the respected arts of Jujutsu, Aikido, Ninjutsu, Kempo, and Karate into an effective self defense syllabus. The name, Seibukan describes the art. Seibukan means (Sei = correct, Bu = martial discipline, Kan = House) the house of correct martial arts.

To balance the destructive elements, we balance with offering the healing art known as Seikendo. Seikendo means (Sei = correct, Ken = healing, Do = Path or Way) and provides significant benefits to the martial path of study.
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