International Seibukan Jujutsu Association

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History of Seibukan Jujutsu

“By bringing awareness and freedom of individual expression through the path of Seibukan Jujutsu, each person has the opportunity to reach their highest potential and achieve self-mastery.” Seibukan Jujutsu Julio Toribio Kancho studied and achieved the highest rank in Hakko Ryu Jujutsu. He was aware that times had changed and arts need to evolve. Toribio[…]

Seibukan Jujutsu Logo

The Seibukan Jujutsu Logo Our Seibukan Jujutsu logo was created and presented to the Seibukan Dojo on June 1,1993 by Julio Toribio, Kancho.  This logo symbolizes: the Seibukan ranking structure, the physical application of the triangle, circle and square, the principles of each technique, the historical meaning of Seibukan Jujutsu’s Japanese roots and the philosophical[…]

Seibukan Jujutsu Founder Julio Toribio – Kancho

Julio Toribio Kancho has chosen the martial arts as a path to develop consciousness and create balance in the unification of mind, body and spirit through the study and philosophy of Bujutsu and Budo (martial arts and ways.) Toribio Kancho began his study of the martial arts in 1968, at the age of 13. He[…]

Seibukan Jujutsu Philosophy

Based on ancient tradition, Seibukan Jujutsu has been developed to meet the needs of the modern day warrior.  The modern day warrior is a reflection of modern times, the global community that exists now and the inherent challenges we face in the integration of the various cultures forming this global community.  The warrior is the[…]

About Seibukan Jujutsu®

Seibukan Jujutsu is an effective and practical martial art developed for self- protection as well as personal development.  Based on ancient tradition, Seibukan Jujutsu has been developed to meet the needs of the modern day warrior.  Its Japanese roots, philosophies, and the Seikendo healing art, make it unique among other systems.  The name, Seibukan Jujutsu,[…]

Seibukan Jujutsu Mission

The mission of Seibukan Jujutsu is to meet the self-protection and self-development needs of modern day warrior. The Modern Day Warrior is a reflection of modern times, the global community that exists today, and the inherent challenges we face in the integration of the various cultures that form this global community. The commitment of Seibukan[…]

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